Customers From Bangeladesh
How far is it from from Bangladesh to China? The distance is 1897.77 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 1179.22 miles.
The Language of Bangladesh
The official language is Bangla, also known as Bengali. It is the first language of more than 98 percent of the population.Bangla vocabulary shows many influences,while English has also had an influence on Bangla.However, unlike India, there has never been the need for English as a lingua franca and thus Bangla is the state language of Bangladesh.
Customs and Etiquette in Bangladesh
Meeting & Greeting
1 Greetings usually take place between members of the same sex.
2 The hand shake is common although they may feel rather limp.
3 The traditional greeting for Muslims is Asalamu alaikum to which the response is wa alaikum salam.
4 Naming conventions are very much based on the hierarchical nature of Bangladeshi society.
5 If people are of the same age, they use first names.
Dining Etiquette
1 People eat with their hands and it may be that you share food from a common dish.
2 It would not be seen as impolite if you asked for utensils.
3 Ensure you wash your hands before eating.
4 The left hand is considered unclean so only eat, pass dishes or drink with the right hand.
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